Are you an eclectic Wiccan? Do you follow the Alexandrian path? Your Book of Shadows should also state your beliefs. It is yours so you better put your name in it. Take note that after items 2 onwards, you can add your personal touches like reflections on a spell or a Sabbat. Here are the basic things you should have in your BOS. Looking back on how you have grown as a witch will make you see everything with fresh eyes. I can’t count the number people who have said that their experience is more fulfilling after looking back at the old entries they have in their Book of Shadows.

What I am giving you here are what you SHOULD CONSIDER writing in your Book of Shadows to enrich your experience in your chosen path, the Wiccan path. Of course, as personal as it is, there are no absolutes and hard rules as to what you should write in your Book of Shadows. Or maybe you’re just wondering if there is something else that you should write down in your Book of Shadows that you are missing. You might have a new blank Book of Shadows and you are not sure of what to write in it.

And that’s why no other person should have access to someone’s Book of Shadows. There are no two witches that can find the exact same things in their Book of Shadows, that’s how personalized it is.

Your Book of Shadows is probably the most personal item in all the Wiccan supplies you have.